The interview with a twist - the sequel


UKChat Familiar
Jan 27, 2023
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If you want to read the first part, search my content or search for "Interview".

So there I was in my car heading home after a crazy hook up in a car park. My mind trying to process what had just happened, enjoying reliving it over and over.

I arrive home and the next couple of days passes much the same as always. No messages from my young interviewee and I'm reluctant to initiate in case I seem desperate or like a stalker. So I go about my usual days. Then one evening, I'm sitting on the sofa cruising the internet and socials and I ponder the idea of dropping her a message. But what would I say "Hey it's me just checking in. Whatsup gurl?." No too familiar. "I miss you." No, way too stalkerish.

As I'm contemplating my insurmountable dilemma, my phone buzzes. I check my messages and to my astonishment, it's the interview lady Emma! Wow, spooky I think to myself. Opening the message, it reads.

"Hey you, sorry I've been busy. Hope you've missed me :p"

That emoji with the tongue out! What's that supposed to mean? "Hope you've missed me." What's that supposed to mean too? Thoughts turning over in my head, I chew over my reply. Finally I settle on:

"Hey you, no worries, kinda been busy too. Of course I've missed ya, what's not to miss after last time!"

I sit there waiting, like a cat knowing something's looming, wondering what is coming.

"So it left a lasting impression then! :) Did it leave you wanting more?" There it was, the hook I'd been hoping for, she was up for round 2.

"I think I might be pursuaded." I replied in that nonchalante kind of way, as if I could take it or leave it.

"Oh I think I'll enjoy pursuading you to my way of thinking! So how do you fancy coming over to my place, tomorrow evening around 7pm?"

"What have you got planned?" I reply slightly nervous that I'm committing to lord alone knows what.

"Is that a yes or no :p" She asks with her tongue out emoji!

"Ok, I'm game :). Just send me your address and I'll see you tomorrow night. God, now I'm sending emojis! But I couldn't contain my excitement as the smile crept up over my face. The next bunch of hours seemed to drag like a corporate away day! I just wanted it to be here already!

After what felt like weeks, tomorrow evening finally arrived and I headed for adventure. As my "satellite never get you there" relayed instructions, I weaved my way closer to the venue of tonight's lustery.

After 40mins or so, I got the familiar "Your destination is 50yards on the right". Sure enough, I pull up to this very average looking, run of the mill, terraced house. I checked the address, checked the house, yep all good.

"I'm outside." I texted her.

"Well you're not much use out there now are you!" She replies. "Idiot!" I think to myself. I exit my car and look towards the house to see Emma standing there. She's dressed in an above the knee red dress and man does she look good! I walk up the 15 feet of pathway. "Hi", I say wondering if she sees how nervous I am.

"Hi, come in" She says, turning and walking into the house. I step across the threshold and close the door behind me. I follow her along the narrow hallway, watching her bum wiggle as she walks. "You better be watching my arse." she says over her shoulder. I instantly flush. "Already on it" I reply with a laugh.

As we turn into the lounge, I suddenly notice another guy sat on one of the sofas. "What the....", my mind screams out. Why is he here? Is he a friend? Is he a brother or boyfriend or worse, her husband? In a flash my mind jumps from scenario to scenario. "Harry meet my friend George, George meet my friend Harry" she says without batting an eyelid. George and I smile a little awkwardly at each other as I move across the room and position myself on the opposite sofa.

"Oh don't get comfortable" She says, "I have some food cooked for us. I thought it might be nice to eat first." And with that she walks through the doorway to the dining room.

"Eat first? What exactly were we eating first before?" Confusion evident on both mine and George's faces, we followed her into the dining room.

"You boys sit that side where I can see you both." She said, more an order than a request. So George and I complied, sitting side by side as plates of, red wine, smelling pasta bolognese were placed before us.

Over the next twenty mins or so, George, Emma and I shared some details about ourselves, our lives and interests. It turns out George is an alright guy. We seem to get on really well and have a similar sense of humour. After a while, it feels like a casual meeting up of friends. I realise this was a great way to just get us all relaxed and remove the awkwardness. But for what? I still wasn't sure what we were here to do and I was pretty sure George was clueless too.

With dinner finish, dessert greeted us.....a lemon torte with an ass kicking tang! As I'm sitting there eating, I feel something brush against my leg. My first instinct is "SPIDER!" and in a split second I contemplate jumping out of my skin. Then I feel that pressure and know that it's someone's foot. I look across the table and see Emma smile at me. Smirking back, I feel her run her bare foot higher until it nestles between my legs and she presses her foot into my groin.

Instantly I can feel myself start to get aroused. My cock begins to pulsate and harden. "This is going to get a bit awkward" I think to myself. I wonder if I should do the same, so I start to move my foot against her leg. To which I get a firm dissaproving look. "Ok, she wants to lead" I think as I rest my foot back on the floor.

I feel her press again and begin to slide her foot, in a rubbing motion. My cock gets harder and harder till I'm sitting there with a fully erect hard on trapped in my jeans. I look over at Emma wondering where she's planning to go with this "under the table adventure". Hold on a sec, she's looking at George with that same mischevious look. I turn to look at George and straight away I can tell. "She's got her foot on his cock too!" Sure enough, from the look on George's face, I can tell.

"Want me to stop?", Emma asks, knowing that we've cottoned on. George and I cast a sideways glance at each other and smirk.

"I think we're good" I say. "Yep, no complaints here", George chirps in.

Smiling back at us, Emma says "Good" and continues to massage both of us, while we sit and enjoy dessert.

Part two to follow shortly below (10,000 character limit means I can't fit everything in one post.)
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UKChat Familiar
Jan 27, 2023
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I can feel my cock now bulging, desperate to escape the confines of my trousers. But it's clear Emma has a plan and is control of that plan. I look at George who is now sitting more slouched in his chair, I suspect for easier access and better reach of Emma's foot. He's got his eyes closed just enjoying the cock rub she's giving him.

Likewise, I slouch down in my chair a little and feel Emma press harder against my cock. By now I can feel the first signs of pre-cum and I know it's going to show through my jeans. But I don't care now. Emma continues to rub her foot up and down, like she's trying to trace the contour of my manhood with her toes. Every so often digging her foot in against my balls giving me that painful ache, before she moves again.

After a short while, I feel her foot disappear almost as suddenly as it had arrived. I open my eyes to find both George and I staring at her, wondering why she stopped. She's smiling back at us. "Ready for more?" She asks us. Glancing at each other, both George and I reply in unison "Yes please!".

Emma smiles again, that seductress smile as she pushes her chair back from the table and ducks down underneath. George casts a sideways glance at me and I just smile. No sooner has the seductress disappeared from view, do I feel her slide her hand along my inner thigh and fumble with my zipper. In a moment her hand is inside and she fumbling for my cock. Pulling at it, she releases it as a wave of cool air greets it. Then her hands disappear and I look across and realise that she is now helping George out of his trousers too. A moment or two passes by before I feel one of Emma's hands grip around my shaft again. Then she begins to stroke me up and down. Once again, I let my head fall back into a relaxed position as she wanks my cock rubbing the pre-cum around the tip. Slow and steady she masturbates both of us.

After a few moments, my mind begins to wonder about her wanking George off and I'm overtaken by a strange need to watch. It's an odd feeling as clearly I'm not gay but there is just something sensual in watching. "I want to watch you wanking us" I say, "Can we move our chairs back a bit?" I ask again. "Ooh, you want to watch me wanking George off don't you. You're a voyeur." She smiles. "I think that's a lovely, erotic idea." She says.

So, myself and George lift ourselves up nudging our chairs back far enough to see Emma's face and her hands around our cocks. She looks attentively at each cock as she strokes it up and down. I watch her rubbing George, who seems to have an impressive piece of kit! She rubs her palm across the wet tip of his head and then slides her hand down around it, spreading the wetness. Then she turns to me and repeats the exercise. I can see George watching just as intently as I. We give each other a satisifed smile as we lay back and enjoy.

"Do you want to watch me suck Harry off?" I hear Emma say to George. I open my eyes to see her talking to him. I look at George and see the faintest sign of arousal in his face. He's getting off on watching just like me. "Yes, suck his cock." George replies as his guard drops and the lust takes over.

Emma smiles and turns to me and lowers her head to the base of my shaft. She slides out her tongue connecting with my cock and she proceeds to lick me from the base to the tip. At the head of my cock she runs her tongue around the now slippery wet tip. I can see it on her tongue and she licks my tip all over before parting her lips and sliding her mouth down over my shaft. She sucks on my cock as George stares, completely fascinated and hooked. She runs her mouth down and up over my cock allowing her tongue to rub against my skin. I feel tight with arousal as she continues with my blow job.

Well before I want her to stop, she pulls up and looks at me. "Should I suck George off now?" I want her to continue sucking me of course, but I know that's probably not the right answer. so I comply. "Yes, I want to watch you suck George's cock", I say and for a moment, I feel that arousal again.

"How dirty are you feeling George?" Emma asks him. George ponders the strange question and I watch him mulling over an aswer. Then there is a look of committal as he says "I'm feeling very dirty" and he smiles an unsure smile.

Just then Emma, goes back to my cock and begins licking me again, concentrating on the wet tip and pre-cum. Then she pulls herself up and presses her mouth to George's and begins kissing him. "What the f*&k!" In a moment, I almost cum on the spot. Emma is kissing George with my pre-cum on her mouth so he has to taste me. This action has my mind blown as it's both erotic and filthy all in one go.

It lasts just for a few moments, before Emma descends and slides her mouth down around his cock and begins to suck him off.

George looks at me and I'm not sure if he's disgusted or amazed. Then I see the corners of his mouth start to rise. Fuck me, he enjoyed it!

Watching Emma sliding her lips up and down Georges' cock, I feel aroused. It is something cool to watch other people having sex I decide. I like this watching. Emma continues to suck George off and with her left hand she is gripping me, masturbating me.

I see George starting to twitch about and I know he's getting close to cumming. Emma seems to know as she buries her mouth deeper, sucking and stroking him. He let's out a moan and makes to pull Emma's head away. "I'm going to cum" He blurts in an uncontrolled contorte. Emma holds her position pushing his hands away and as he makes to protest, he convulses. I can tell that Emma has just taken George's load into her mouth. She holds the pose as George finishes his girating and comes to a relaxed slump in the chair. Emma looks up at him with a mouth full of his come, trying her best not to lose any. She smiles and gulps, swallowing it in front of him.

Part 3 below soon.........


UKChat Familiar
Jan 27, 2023
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By now I'm contemplating emptying my own load into Emma's mouth as I vigorously tug on my manhood trying to get myself to the point of cumming.

Emma meanwhile stands and leans over me and lowers her face to mine and kisses me. The strange feeling and taste of another man on her lips and tongue is a wierd sensation. But it's strangely arousing and I can't help but feel a little turned on. As we're kissing, Emma reaches down and grips my cock masturbating me as we kiss. Then she asks, "are you ready to cum too?"

"Nearly!", I reply willing myself to that point of no return. She slides down to the floor with her head next to my cock watching and wanking me. I move my hand into position forcing hers out of the way. I want to cum and I don't want to fucking wait while she tries to get me off. I stand up and ferociously wank myself while staring down at Emma's willing mouth. After a moment or two, I feel the sensation rising. "Almost there", I say with panting breath.

"I want it all in my mouth, Harry. Don't let a drop escape!" She says in that god help you tone.

Then comes the point of no return and I'm on tip toes, pushing my cock into her mouth as she clamps her lips around me. I feel the surge and sensation as I unload hot messy cum into her mouth. All the while she looks up at me, as she can feel it filling her up. A moment later and I'm spent, my cock receeding to a soft sausage as I pull out of her. She does that think where she looks up at me and I can see my cum swimming around in her mouth. Then she gulps and it's gone. Licking her lips, she stands up and kissing me again.

"Part one done, onto part two", she says. George and I exchange glances. "Part two has got to be sex right?" I ask myself internally.

"Follow me boys", Emma says trundling out of the room and heading upstairs. I walk into what looks like her main bedroom. I position myself in front of a wardrobe and George moves alongside me. We both stand there wondering what is going to happen next as Emma climbs onto the bed, lays on her back and lifts her dress up and out of the way. I almost erupt in my shorts again as I see, she has no knickers on and is clearly aroused by the wetness in between her legs.

"George, get undressed. You're going to fuck me first. Harry, you're going to sit there and watch", she orders, pointing me to a chair. Before the starting pistol had even fired, George is tearing himself out of his clothes like wildebeast. No sooner have I taken up my perch than he hops onto the bed sliding himself in between Emma's legs. She reaches down and takes hold of George's cock and guides it to her entrance. Needing no encouragment, he slides forward and his cock disappears into Emma's pussy.

The position of the chair makes me think Emma might have done this before, or planned it very carefully. From my position, I could see George's cock as he pulled back revealing Emma's pussy. Then I would watch as he slide back inside her. This seemed to go on for a good while as George proceed to fuck Emma like a wild rabbit. In and out, in and out, sweat forming on his skin. It's not long before I can tell George is almost ready to shoot his load again.

"I'm going to come", George squeals. Emma pants "I want it inside me George. Cum inside me." George pounds on Emma's pussy back and forth and he hits that point where he starts to slow but pounds harder and deeper. It's about to happen. A short grunt from George and Emma smiles as she feels him unload again, filling up her pussy this time.

George collapses onto Emma, panting like an old freight train. "Right, George, it's time to swap places with Harry. Come on quick before I lose any of your cum."

That statement "Before I lose any cum?" What did she mean by that? I wonder. My confusion is broken as George distracts me by rolling off Emma and climbing off the bed. I jump up and start slipping my clothes off till I'm standing naked and somewhat self conscious.

"Hold on a sec", Emma says, turning over onto all fours. "I want you to fuck me doggystyle and I want you to slip your cock into my cum filled pussy" She smiles turning her head back towards me. "Is that ok", She purrs.

I climb onto the bed without answering. Emma's beautiful wet pussy is poking through between her legs. Man that fucking arse is to die for, I think to myself. I move in behind her and touch the tip of my cock against her wet lips and she pushes backwards. I feel the slippery wetness as my cock is envolped in a combination of Emma's juices and George's cum. I start riding Emma's pussy holding her hips as my cock appears, then disappears with the opaque liquid coating it.

We fuck doggystyle for what feels like an hour, but I know in reality it's more like 10 minutes. I use my thumb to spread the wetness from Emma's pussy up across her bumhole as I tease it. She gives a little "mhhmm" as I press my thumb into her hole. She's done this before, I think to myself as my thumb slides into her arse with ease.

I'm now riding her pussy while fingering her arse. The turn on is clear as I feel myself heading towards climax. "Do you want me to cum inside you too?" I ask, begining to pant.

"Yes, all of it inside me", She murmours. So following her lead I bring myself to the familiar sensation and press my cock deep into her as I feel the cum erupt from my cock. I empty the contents of my balls straight into George's cum and Emma's juices. As I slowly pull back, I can see the first signs of come wanting to exit. Emma pushes her stomach flat trying to keep it all inside.

"Now" Emma says in a matter of fact tone. "What you don't know about George, Harry, is that he likes a bit of dominance and likes to humiliated. Don't you George?" I look over at George, somewhat surprised by this new revelation. George looks at my all coy. "Yes". That's all he says, "Yes." I look between Emma and George, waiting for the next move.

"So come lay on the bed, George. There's a good boy" Emma says. George complies and scoots onto the bed on his back. Next to Emma. "Now for the really dirty part" Emma smirks.

She pulls her leg over George's body and moves upwards until her pussy is position over his face. Then she lifts herself up. At first nothing happens. But then, slowly a trickle of cum appears between Emma's pussy lips and drips onto George's face. Then another drip, then a trickle. Just as a flow of cum begins to drop onto George's face, Emma sinks her pussy down over his mouth and begins to rub back and forth.

George in all fairness seems to be enjoying and I can see him licking and moving his mouth around as the two of them girate against each other. Me, I'm stood there in a kind of stunned awe. It's not my kind of thing but it still looks erotic as fuck.

After a good while of girating, licking and cleaning, both Emma, George and I take a communal shower. We debate the good parts and what we'd do differently next time. Next time! I think to myself. What could we possibly do next time. At least there will be a next time!

Hope you enjoyed that. Please like and comment as it helps motivate me to do more. :)


UKChat Initiate
Mar 11, 2023
Reaction score
As I you hun. You’ll have to tell me something naughty you’ve done


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 31, 2018
Reaction score
Very nice. I like Emma. I've enjoyed imagining I was her ☺️