
Experienced Tantric Masseur..

Ladies I am offering FREE TANTRIC MASSAGES to any Women wanting to give it a try..
Maybe you have never had a Tantric Massage before and you would like to experience it or it as been a very long time since you last had one.. and missing the pleasure and the release of tension..
The best thing about a Tantric massage there is no pressure to have sex during or after the massage.. You can have the massage relax for 15 minutes drink some water then be on your way home feeling lighter, refreshed and tension free.
I have a very clean apartment, and I am Respectful and Compassionate.. If you cannot get to me, then I will be happy to travel up to 40 miles..
Lots of different essential oils to choose from or some people prefer baby oil.. lots of calming music and a 5 to 15 minute discussion about Tantric massage, what to expect and what you want out of it..
If you are definitely interested DM me..