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  • Last night in London and ended up with 9 shows in 6 days.

    5. We Will Rock You...bonkers story, can't deny the tunes.
    6. Patriots...more serious, outstanding performance from Tom Hollander (not Hiddlestone as someone behind me said!).
    7. The Crown Jewels...v silly fun. Al Murray doing Al Murray things.
    8. The Third Man...classic film needed a musical adaptation!
    9. A Midsummers Night's Dream...excellent.
    Down in that there London village for a few days, mainly catching up on seeing shows and chilling out.

    So far:
    Bleak Expectations (with Alexander Armstrong guest starring this week)...highly recommend.
    Back To The Future...really fun nostalgia trip and the understudies were ace during yesterday's matinee
    Shit-Faced Shakespeare: Much Ado About Nothing...crazy antics, so funny.

    Choir of Man
    We Will Rock You
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    Reactions: Adie
    Choir of Man...fantastic hour and a half. Highly recommend (you can even get a pint on stage before the show...and they might fetch you one during if you're in the stalls).
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