Buddhablessyou91 May 14, 2021 Face or penis? That is the question.... Shakespeare would probably be proud
Buddhablessyou91 May 8, 2021 You know you're getting old when you're considering having a 3 hour power nap before getting the beers out for the fight.
You know you're getting old when you're considering having a 3 hour power nap before getting the beers out for the fight.
Buddhablessyou91 May 6, 2021 Whoever said "it's better to have loved and lost than never loved at all" deserves to die a violent death. Ignorance is bliss!
Whoever said "it's better to have loved and lost than never loved at all" deserves to die a violent death. Ignorance is bliss!
Buddhablessyou91 May 5, 2021 Whatever happened to two people just having a good old fashioned, passionate, spur of the moment fuck without any equipment?
Whatever happened to two people just having a good old fashioned, passionate, spur of the moment fuck without any equipment?
Buddhablessyou91 Apr 27, 2021 Does anyone have any knowledge about the occult or have the ability to create love potions? I could really do with some voodoo shit rn
Does anyone have any knowledge about the occult or have the ability to create love potions? I could really do with some voodoo shit rn
Buddhablessyou91 Apr 23, 2021 Its the little things that make a big difference.... like sunshine and haircuts :-D