Search results

  1. GrumpyOldishMan

    Describe You (A-Z)

  2. GrumpyOldishMan

    Do you...

    Now you are singing from Grumpy's hymnsheet - welcome to the dark side. An intriguing suggestion, on the plus side, no more interactions with the 'hard of understanding'. Ever. On the negative - could I ever be happy without repeated opportunities to feel superior? I think I'd like the...
  3. GrumpyOldishMan

    Keep one junk one

    Under Caution
  4. GrumpyOldishMan

    Last letter - first letter Word Game

  5. GrumpyOldishMan

    Describe You (A-Z)

  6. GrumpyOldishMan

    Last letter - first letter Word Game

    Hepatits (B) (for all you shaggers out there - I've been far too nice lately I feel)
  7. GrumpyOldishMan

    Do you...

    Yes (HELPFUL oldish man!) :rolleyes: Do you think the Age of Chivalry is dead?
  8. GrumpyOldishMan

    What's your cheesiest guilty pleasure tune?

    My mates and I were all little 'punks' back in the day *spits* I still haven't acknowledged this to some of them ..... Fuckin love Abba!
  9. GrumpyOldishMan

    My (the) last two start your (the) next one

  10. GrumpyOldishMan

    A to Z me

    Manoeuvre me
  11. GrumpyOldishMan

    Describe You (A-Z)

  12. GrumpyOldishMan

    Keep one junk one

    Last Rights
  13. GrumpyOldishMan

    True or False

    Not since I grew hair under my arms. (so a couple of years now) TNP Loves the great smell of Brut
  14. GrumpyOldishMan

    Do you...

    I thought I did for years .. tended to do 3/4 festivals every year. Then I tried it 'straight'. Fuck that. Do you enjoy live music outdoors?
  15. GrumpyOldishMan

    On stag

  16. GrumpyOldishMan

    True or False

    I honestly have no knowledge whatsoever of Scandanavian interior design - therefore FALSE (I cannot be for or against something I have no knowledge of. TNP agrees that many fantastic things have indeed originated in Scandanavia
  17. GrumpyOldishMan

    What made you say f*** today?

    That should be punishable anti-social behaviour. My late mum (god bless her) - 4"10, 6 stone wet through - honestly, the most fearless, fiesty and uninhibited individual I have ever known. She didn't live life, so much as attack life like a hungry lioness. Anyway, perhaps 20 years ago, I'd...
  18. GrumpyOldishMan

    True or False

    True I learned today that my hometown has a shortage or Barbers. (I'll try not to worry) TNP is still using the toilet roll they stockpiled during lockdown.
  19. GrumpyOldishMan


    I'm rather chipper if the truth be told, thank you :) (got out of bed the wrong side)